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Map of projects within the Swiss Cooperation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The interactive map enables citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland, government institutions of both countries, development partners and all those interested in the Swiss Cooperation Programme in BiH to easily search and locate the projects and initiatives implemented in BiH with the support of Switzerland.
63.000.000 CHF
Swiss financial commitments for Bosnia and Herzegovina for period 2021-2024
Strategic domains: Economic Development and Employment, Local Government and Municipal Services and Health
International and local organizations collaborate on projects
Currently running projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina supported by Switzerland

Map of projects

Find out more about projects within the Swiss Cooperation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the strategic domains of: Economic Development and Employment, Local Government and Municipal Services and Health.

Strategic domains

Find out more about projects within the Swiss Cooperation Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the strategic domains of: Economic Development and Employment, Local Government and Municipal Services and Health.

News & Knowledge

News, factsheets, special publications and brochures: Find out how we report on the cooperation between Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to jointly improve socio-economic conditions in the long term, increase the quality of life and contribute to the sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Svaki put kad zaključate kućna vrata, možda to činite uz pomoć švicarskog izuma: reverzibilnog Kaba ključa?! Nastao je još 1934. godine i može se koristiti s obje strane. 🔑 🇨🇭
Koristite li možda ovaj ključ?

🔑 🇨🇭 🔑 🇨🇭
Every time we close our home door, we may do it with a Swiss invention: the Kaba reversible key! This key was invented in 1934 and can be used on both sides. 🔑 🇨🇭
Are you using one?
🔊Zvuk na najjače i uživajte u zvukovima Švicarske 🇨🇭dok obilježavamo Dan planete Zemlje 🌏🐦🪽
📌Tagujte nas na objavama svojih snimaka prirodnih ljepota Bosne i Hercegovine ili Švicarske 🇧🇦🌱🇨🇭
🦚🍀Zaštitimo naš jedini planet za buduće generacije 💚 #earthday 🌏 #switzerlandfornature
Sretan Dan planete Zemlje želimo vam iz Švicarske! A ljepota 🇨🇭 prirode podsjeća nas koliko je važno da čuvamo bogatstva nase planete 🌍 5 činjenica o prirodi u Švicarskoj: 🍀 Švicarska ima izuzetno raznolike pejsaže i staništa 🍀Za Švicarsku kažu i da je 'vodeni toranj Evrope' jer njeni resursi čine 6% od evropskih resursa slatke vode 🍀Planine pokrivaju dvije trećine teritorije Švicarske i značajno…
“Impresionirane smo kulturnim i prirodnim ljepotama na području Kladnja!” Ovo je prvi utisak naših kolegica Chantal Felder, zamjenice direktora za saradnju, i Ilme Arnautović, programske menadžerice u Ambasadi Švicarske u BiH, nakon posjete Općini Kladanj. Tu su posjetile organizaciju “i-platforma” koja je spona između bh. dijaspore u Švicarskoj i Bosne i Hercegovine. Koliko je dijaspora važan element…
Čestitamo 1️⃣1️⃣ gradova i opština/općina koji su službeno pristupili projektu Lokalnog ekonomskog razvoja u 🇧🇦 (LER) koji finansira #Švicarska, a provode Švicarski Caritas u BiH i NIRAS. Naredne četiri godine radićemo na otključavanju potencijala ekonomskog razvoja Banja Luke, Čelinca, Doboja, Doboja Jug, Kaknja, Prijedora, Teslića, Tešnja, Zavidovića, Zenice i Žepča, kroz međusobnu saradnju, povezivanje…
Uspostavljamo saradnju sa novim partnerima u reformi stručnog obrazovanja u 🇧🇦. U okviru projekta „Održivi ekonomski razvoj i promocija zapošljavanja u Bosni i Hercegovini“ kojeg sufinansiraju Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ) Vlade 🇩🇪 i Vlada 🇨🇭, a provodi GIZ u 🇧🇦, potpisan je Memorandum o razumijevanju između Ministarstva za obrazovanje i nauku Tuzlanskog kantona i GIZ-a.…

Manuals and guidelines

As part of the Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, a number of important manuals and guidelines were developed and published. Their goal is to strengthen the capacity of nurses and the entire health system in the field of nursing care in order to improve the scope and quality of services provided by nurses to the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina.…

Nurses are the foundation of healthcare

They constitute the majority of health workers, in the world and in Bosnia and Herzegovina (67%). It is recognized globally that the nursing workforce is essential to meeting the evolving health needs of the population. This is particularly true in Bosnia-Hercegovina, where health professional migration has been significant for years, and where the demographic…
Zanima li te učešće u Savjetodavnom odboru mladih YAB Ambasade Švicarske u BiH?
Aktivne grupe zdravog starenja krojači su promjena. Inspirišu zajednice i doprinose poboljšanju kvalitete života starijih ljudi. Razvijaju kulturu lične i društvene odgovornosti za zdravlje i starost! Promoviraju dostojanstven život kod kuće u trenucima kada je zdravlje narušeno. 👩‍🦳🇨🇭🧑‍🦳🇧🇦🧓 Active #healthyageing groups are tailors of change that inspire communities. They contribute to improvement…

Patients in Brcko take part in the process of creating a list of medicines

As Bosnia and Herzegovina is given the green light to begin negotiations for EU membership, the Brcko District Health Insurance Fund has taken a significant step forward in systematically involving patients in the process of creating a list of medicines.

Ambassador of Switzerland Discusses Neutrality and Diplomacy at IUS

The International University of Sarajevo (IUS) hosted the Swiss Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Daniel Hunn, at the session of the ongoing Shuttle Diplomacy Talks organised by the Balkan Studies Centre at IUS.

Let's talk results!

Have a look at the infographic showing the main results of the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021-2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, achieved in 2023. 

Defamation is criminalized in Republika Srpska - What now?

This was the title and question posed at the conference in Konjic, which was supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and implemented by the Press and Online Media Council in BiH.  

About page

This website is managed by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It aims to increase general knowledge of Swiss supported projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina by mapping them and presenting more information about projects’ goals, activities and impacts on final beneficiaries.

The interactive map enables citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland, government institutions of both countries, development partners and all those interested in the Swiss Cooperation Programme in BiH to fast and easily search and locate the projects and initiatives implemented in BiH with the support of Switzerland.

It showcases Switzerland’s commitment to strengthening social, economic and political inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to the European Union.

Switzerland strives to contribute to the further development of a democratic political system and a social market economy, based on accountable public and private actors as well as active and empowered citizens. We use Swiss and BiH’s experience and know-how to develop programs and solutions to benefit both current and future generations.

You can keep abreast of all the latest information about the Swiss supported projects in the Bosnia and Herzegovina on this website and also on our social networks. For more general information about Swiss engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina visit the Embassy’s Home page.