Improving the Integritety of Processes of Establishing Medicine Lists in BiH
Patients in Brcko take part in the process of creating a list of medicines

This way of systematically involving patients in the process of creating a list of medicines helps decision-makers to better understand patients' priorities and life experiences with the disease/condition, as this perspective would be missing without their contribution.
The principles of transparency and openness implemented in the amendments to the Regulations on Conditions and Procedures for Inclusion of Drugs in the Formulary of the Health Insurance Fund of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina ensure the integrity of the entire process.
The Health Insurance Fund, in accordance with the principles of good public administration, has also clearly specified the management of conflicts of interest through amendments, which clearly demonstrates its commitment to managing entrusted public funds with due care and responsibility.
Also by systematising cooperation with other health authorities, the Brcko District Health Insurance Fund continues to initiate changes that ensure the improvement of the entire health system in the Brcko District of BiH, which means better and more comprehensive health care focused on the patient and his needs, which is in line with the best practices of the European Union.
"I believe that in this way we have started an avalanche of positive changes in the health system of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but with the joint action of the Health Insurance Fund, JZU "Health Centre Brčko", the Department of Health and other services of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, of course, patient representatives, we can achieve an enviable quality of health care. (Radomir Nikolić, Director of the Brčko District Health Insurance Fund, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The project "Strengthening integrity in the process of creating the list of medicines in Bosnia and Herzegovina" is supported by the Government of Switzerland, the company Roche d.o.o. - Roche Ltd. and the Association of Innovative Drug Manufacturers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is implemented by Net Consulting. All texts and findings published on the website do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Switzerland, Roche d.o.o. - Roche Ltd. and the Association of Innovative Drug Manufacturers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.